Six degrees of seperation

Saturday, March 15, 2008

hi everyone. with the success of the six degrees genre of questions at my college quizzes, i've decided to start a blog to feature six degrees questions. They are really a great learning experience.

well the structure goes like this.
There will be seven keywords/pictures with specific/ general connects. its enough if u explain the connects bet the two keywords. Remember that there is no single connect for the entire seven keyword/pics, but specific individual connects bet keyword1 and keyword2, keyword2 and keyword3 and so on.. as a result there are six connects.

the points system is also different. you get five points for each connect, and five extra for each consecutive connect. for example, if u find the connect bet q1 and q2 and q2 and q3, u get 5 points each for getting the connect, and another 5 for getting two consecutive connects.

So there are 55 points up for grabs for each question. challenge your brains and enjoy the game